Leading you to greater heights
Our goal is to provide oriented training programs to help the student develop the quality job skills needed for success in career areas offering long-range opportunities.
Flexible Schedules
Job placement
Learn by doing

We are accredited by the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges (ACCSC) and licensed to operate in the State of California by the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education (BPPE) based on provisions of the California Act (CPPEA) of 2009. Licensed to operate means compliance with state’s minimum standards as set forth in this Act.

Courses with high market demand
Each course prepares students to go out and effectively put into practice what they learned at ATC.

Medical Assistant
24 Semester Credits
720 Clock Hours plus 180 hours outside preparation
30 Weeks CIP: 51.0801, SOC: 31-9092

Home Health Care Vocational Aide Certified
8 Semester Credits
288 Clock Hours plus approximately 72 Externship hours
12 Weeks CIP: 51.2602, SOC: 31-1121

Phlebotomy Training
CIP: 51.1009, SOC: 31-9097
100 Clock hours, 60 hours of which is conducted in school and minimum of 40 hours of Externship
Approximately 4 Weeks

Nurse Assistant
CIP: 51.3902, SOC: 31-1131
175-Clock hours, Consisting of 60 didactic training hours, 100 clinical training hours, and 15 lab hours
Approximately 5 ½ -6 weeks.
Get in touch
Los Angeles Campus
1670 Wilshire Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90017
- (213) 353-1845
- Fax (213) 413-6938