Job Placement
The ultimate goal of your training at ATC is to obtain a job in the field you have chosen. To assist you in this goal, our Job Placement Assistance Department will help you look for a job and prepare you for your job interview. Your job search should begin no less than two weeks prior to your scheduled graduation. The Job Placement Assistance Department will teach you how to search and apply for a job and will assist you in the preparation of a resume. They will also prepare you to present yourself in professional manner to prospective employers.
When you are near graduation, you will be directed to potential employers and job opportunities which have been developed by the Job Placement Assistance Department. Searching for a job must be approached in a positive manner. Your search includes going on interviewsset up by the Job Placement Assistance Department and on your own. Finding the right job for you is your responsibility and depends on your effort and commitment to the task. The Job Placement Assistance Department will work with you to assist you with the process. However, the School cannot guarantee you a job.
You must inform the Job Placement Assistance Department once you have secured employment. From time to time you will receive follow up communication from the Job Placement Assistance Department. Remember that job placement assistance for our graduates is an on-going process with no time limit imposed. All inquiries, questions and concerns regarding job placement and job placement assistance should be directed to the School’s Job Placement Assistance Department, or the School’s Director.